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New members to Ellesborough Golf Club are always welcomed

The Club

There is a full competition programme for men, ladies and juniors, as well as Club matches to suit all abilities. A very popular feature of the Club are ‘roll-ups’. Roll-ups occur every day of the week and at weekends so that members come up and join in a sociable, stableford game without any prior commitment. Of course, there is also plenty of opportunity to play with friends outside of these roll-ups, whilst of particular note is an active mixed golf scene. Because it is a thriving Members’ Club, Ellesborough accepts fewer golf societies than most other clubs – concentrating on quality rather than quantity.

The Facilities

The Clubhouse stands at the top of the course beside the 1st and 10th starting holes and is spacious and well appointed with a good size car park. The lounge and its veranda enjoy magnificent views across the surrounding countryside, overlooking the historic Ellesborough Church Tower. The Clubhouse and its excellent catering are at the heart of a social scene that sees dining nights and other forms of entertainment each month.

  • Subscription Rates
    Membership CategoryJoining Fee per year for 5 yearsAnnual Subscription
    New Full Member£200.00£1926.00
    New Full Member 37-39 years old£200.00£1588.00
    New Full Member 34-36 years old£150.00£1488.00
    New Full Member 31-33 years old£100.00£1388.00
    Intermediate (26-30)£1247.00
    Intermediate (21-25)£1032.00
    Intermediate (18-20)£714.00
    Intermediate in Full Time Education (18-25)£454.00
    Junior (up to 18)£150.00
    Junior Academy£75.00
    Cadet (Junior Beginner)£25.00
    Academy (Adult Beginner)£395.00
    • Armed Forces Membership Category (with special concessions in respect of posting/detachment mobility) is available for members of the Armed Forces at the rates shown above.
    • The Club has an arrangement with Fairway Credit for any member who wishes to spread his or her subscription over 12 months.
    • The subscription year runs from 1 April to 31 March, but new members can join part way through the year, if spaces are available, paying pro-rata for the number of whole months remaining to the end of the subscription year.
    • After 5 years, the New Full Membership rate reduces to the Members’ Loyalty Rate, presently £1,926.00
  • 1906 Club

    Ellesborough GC is a member of the prestigious 1906 club. Reciprocal agreements are available with a select set of golf clubs that were founded in the same year as Ellesborough.

  • Free Golf Insurance

    The annual subscription includes golf insurance to cover you when playing golf at Ellesborough and at other courses. This avoids you having to purchase independent personal golf insurance which could save you £40 to £50 per annum.

    What do I do now?

    Now is a good time to apply for membership as there are still some membership categories available. If you are interested in joining please contact the Director of Golf, James Turner, who will be happy to discuss any aspect of the Club including the joining process.

    Office Telephone: 01296 622114 or email: [email protected]

    You are most welcome to come and visit the Club and, if you have a handicap, James Turner will be pleased to arrange for you to play a round at Ellesborough so that you can experience the club and its facilities for yourself. The green-fee for this round would be refunded to you should you subsequently gain membership.

  • James Braid Association

    Ellesborough Golf Club is a member of The Association of James Braid Courses.

    Formed in 2009 by one of Henley Golf Club’s Past Captains and Past President, the Association now has over 300 member clubs of the some 411 courses James Braid either designed originally or altered (of the 411, 39 are defunct and 6 were plans only).

    The courses are to be found in Ireland, Wales, England and Scotland with one in New York. Ellesborough Golf Club members and members of all the clubs in the Association can enjoy preferential green fees at these courses, by booking in advance. A full list of courses and rates is posted below.


    The list is updated each year with new member clubs and amended rates.

    There are some conditions attached to this offer, which are listed below.

    • Tee reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance.
    • You must state when booking that Ellesborough are part of the Association of James Braid Courses
    • A handicap certificate will need to be shown when arriving at the host club
    • Bookings will only be accepted based on the host clubs tee availability
    • The green fee charged will be the host clubs members guest rate
    • Green fees are valid for both Ladies and Gentlemen
    • The rates are for members only and not a group or society booking

    It is hoped that you see this Association as an added benefit to your membership of Ellesborough and you find the time to take advantage of this offer.

  • County Card Scheme

    The BB&O County Card Scheme has been put together to enable Members of Affiliated Clubs to play at other courses – both within BB&O and other English Counties – at reduced green fee rates. The scheme mirrors those which have been adopted in most County Unions and provides benefits to Club Members, Clubs and the County Union. Within England there is a consortium’ of County Unions which enables County Card Members to play at any of the host courses within any of those County Unions. BB&O is now firmly established in that ‘consortium’ and has in fact been instrumental in expanding the Scheme to another 30 Counties. All of these courses – together with those BB&O Clubs who have joined up – will be available to BB&O County Card Members.

    In summary, the BB&O County Card Scheme includes the following:

    Annual membership is £15.00

    County Card Members may play at least once at any of the Host Clubs on the list (some Host Clubs may allow more than one visit).

    Bookings must be made in advance with the Host Club. Restrictions on time and day of the week may apply. In general, bookings will not be accepted for weekends or Bank Holidays.

    County Card Members must have current handicaps and must agree to be bound by the rules of the Club being visited.

    The County Card may only be used for groups of up to 4 players and may not be used in connection with larger groups or societies.

    Card Members will be issued with a ‘County Card’ annually. Participating Clubs will be listed on the website along with links to that Club. The County office will work with each Club to attract the best offers and market them as clearly as possible.

    For further information please visit

Membership Enquiries

If you would like to be shown around or would like to know more about the membership and payment options available, then please complete the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Ready to join?

Please complete our application form.

Membership Application Form

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